Saturday, April 5, 2008

Look at what Emily can do!!!!!

Emily started to eat some "solid" foods this week. We first tried the rice cereal (next pic. down) and that wasn't so tasty hehe...the look on her face!!! This is a picture of carrots...not so yummy either, but better than the cereal.

Hanging out with Mayra!!! =)

Emily's first time on a swing! She liked it!

Going down the big slide with daddy! Weee!

Look at what Emily can do now!!!!!! =D


Elmer Family said...

Yea real food!!! Congrats Emily! Now her growing will really take off. Annie was never a fan of the rice either-yams and stuff like that ya and of course fruit like guava but I know Emily has to wait a little bit to start that. She sounds like a good eater. The park also looked fun. Cannot wait to see you guys in less then a month!

Elmer Family said...

Also yea on the crawling!!!! Now it really gets fun!

Elmer Family said...

I know I have made like a million comments already today but I had to tell you-Annie is watching the videos with me and got very mad when I left them to comment. She wants to watch her cousin over and over! LOL